I am trained in vinyasa flow, hatha, embodied flow, aerial yoga, yin, mindfulness, meditation and pre natal and postnatal yoga.
My Yoga Journey.
Following my university studies in English Literature, I took an incredible life changing trip to Costa Rica to complete my 200 hour Intensive Yoga Teacher Training in Hatha and Vinyasa Flow. It was here, that I truly discovered how good our bodies and mind are supposed to feel. Since then I have traveled far to train with the best teachers from Bali to Peru. Trained in Hatha, Vinyasa Flow, Embodied Flow, Aerial Yoga, Mindfulness, Yin, Meditation and Pre and Post natal yoga. Being able to teach and live what I love and believe in is an incredible honour.
My Schools of Yoga
Embodied Flow with Tara Judelle and Scott Lyons
Embodied flow is an integrative blend of hatha yoga, somatics, free movement, mind-body centering, tantric philosophy, and science. It elicits the experience of stepping into flow as meditation in action. I completed an additional 200hr Teacher Training in Embodied Flow with Tara and Scott in Bali in 2016 and continue to study with them on intensives and online courses.
Yoga Medicine - Yin and Meditation training with Tiffany Cruikshank and Rashmir Bashmir
Yoga Medicine was founded by the incredible Tiffany Cruikshank and an incredicle community of teachers that pride themselves in raising the bar for yoga teachers by providing exceptional training programs of the anatomy, biomechanics and physiology of yoga. I completed the 60 hour Yin and Meditation training in Peru with Tiffany in 2018. What I loved about the training was that it fused together the worlds of Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda with more modern western practices of clinical psychology and medicine. I continue to learn with them through online platforms.
For me, yoga is a container to explore, understand, and analyse yourself and this wonderful world we live in. It is a set of practices; asana (physical practice), pranayama (breath) meditation and philosophy to live an intelligent life of freedom, strength and connectivity. It is a continuous practice, of finding your way, being perceptive and staying connected to nature and others.
As a teacher you are always a student and as a student you are always a teacher. I grow as a teacher with every class, student, exploration, and discovery on the mat and in my life. I am simply offering my part of the yoga conversation as I know it now.
Tina x
Tiffany Cruikshank and Tara Judelle are my go to teachers. They are hugely inspirational, incredible facilitators and educators of yoga delivering yoga internationally. I am currently blending the two schools; embodied flow and yoga medicine in to my classes to offer the balance of both a science/medical and an embodied feeling/sensing approach.
Tina x
Yoga farm family, Costa Rica, 2013
My Embodied Flow Family, Bali 2015